Officers in Maroochydore, Queensland, leapt into action when a man contacted them saying he had found possible evidence of a crime – even a murder – on the Sunshine Coast.
What he handed over was a round, squishy object that he suspected was a breast implant that had come away from its owner – perhaps as part of a struggle.

It didn’t take officers long to explain the bizarre object though – it was in fact a jellyfish.
‘Officers at Maroochydore Station were all hands on deck when, much to their initial alarm, a concerned citizen attended the counter to report a possible homicide,” said a statement released by local police.
‘Investigations revealed what police suspected… the item was indeed a jellyfish.’
Despite missing its tentacles, the body was unmistakably identified as that of a blubber jellyfish and while this species of jellyfish can cause irritation they are not considered dangerous.