
‘Leave her alone, she’s only 14’ – son, 22, used mum’s phone to send sexually explicit texts to teen girls

She handed her phone in to the police.

The mother of a 22-year-old charged with child sexual offenses has told court about the horrible moment she learned what her son was up to.


Elaine Kingston, from Oxford, was using her phone when suddenly a message appeared which she soon realised was intended for her son, Stephen Trinder, reports Daily Mail.

‘I’ll f***ing kill you, leave her alone, she’s only 14,’ it read.

Investigating further she unearthed numerous messages on her phone, written by her son, to five different underage girls. The youngest was 13 years old.

The texts asked the person’s age, and included details of explicit sexual acts.


Devastated, Elaine handed the phone over to police, and her son was arrested.

In court he pleaded guilty to attempting to incite a child in sexual activity. He will have to submit to a Sexual Harm Prevention Order for 10 years.

Judge Maria Lamb said Elaine must be ‘commended’ for taking actions no mother would want to do – but she did it to protect others. 

Her son was reportedly furious, but came to understand his mother’s actions.


In handing down the sentence, the judge told Trinder: ’You have got a problem and you need help. This sort of behaviour is very serious.’

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