A German bargain supermarket giant is opening their doors for the first time in Australia, and we can’t contain our excitement!
Kaufland, a warehouse style supermarket, is five times bigger than Coles or Woolworths and strikes major similarities to Costco.
The store, which stocks over 60,000 products, will open in Adelaide later this year.
According to The Advertiser, the German giant, one of the largest retailers in the world, bought a $25 million site at Forestville. The new store will cover 20,000 sqm and will stock everything from chocolate to televisions to ladders.
Kaufland has never opened in an English speaking country but is extremely popular in eastern and central Europe countries with more than 1230 stores.
‘It will be more akin to a Costco approach with a whole breadth of product offerings, including groceries and white goods,’ an Adelaide retail expert told the publication. ‘This is going to be a destination shopping experience.’
Anyone fancy a trip to Adelaide?
This article originally appeared on New Idea.