The surprising food forbidden at the royal family’s table

The palace chef was told to never serve it.

A chef who previously worked as a full-time cook in Kensington Palace has revealed that there was one food she was not allowed to serve the Royals.


Chef Carolyn Robb worked for the Royal family from 1989 to 2000 and prepared meals for Prince Charles, Princess Diana, and the young Princes William and Harry.

While promoting her book – ‘The Royal Touch’ – she revealed to Racked a fascinating rule she was forced to follow.

The only thing that was forbidden was garlic.’

Rather than being a matter of personal taste, Robb explains: ‘they obviously did a lot of public engagements and were in close proximity to people and never wanted to have garlic.’

Nothing would be more unbecoming a monarch than to reek of garlic breath!

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