
Family of seven rushed to hospital after being found slumped ‘like rag dolls’ at family BBQ

Neighbours shocked by sudden danger.

A couple and their five children were rushed to hospital after being discovered passed out at their home in Newcastle, UK.


The family apparently had cooked on their BBQ that weekend and began to feel sleepy around 6pm. A few hours later a brother of one of the parent’s arrived to find his family in a semi-conscious state, and called the ambulances.

Neighbours recount the dramatic scene as five heart crews, a rapid response EMT, and four ambulances arrived in their quiet street around 10:35pm.

‘I was sitting in my living room when I saw all the lights going past,’ neighbour and mother-of-three, Kayleigh Thompson, told Chronice Live.

‘I saw emergency crews dashing into the house. It was scary and really panicking.


‘They took all the children to the same ambulance but one of the boys who came out, I’m presuming he must have been the worst, one of the paramedics lay him on the garden floor and knelt down next to him. It looked like he was pounding his chest. That was horrible to witness. It was mayhem and gave me a real shock.’

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It was suspected that they had suffered carbon monoxide poisoning. They have since recovered and been allowed home after a night in hospital.

The mum says she doesn’t know how the tragedy occurred: ‘I don’t understand what happened. We had a BBQ last weekend exactly the same – same charcoal, same BBQ, everything and this did not happen.


‘The children started showing signs first and I don’t remember much more after that.

‘I’m so relieved that we are all okay. I’m very happy and I know we have been very lucky.’

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