Dumped KITTEN’S horrific injuries likely caused by SEXUAL ABUSE says RSPCA

Just sickening...

A kitten found in England’s Midlands is being treated for horrific injuries the RSPCA says were probably caused by sexual abuse.

Vets say Benny, thought to be aged between eight and 10 weeks old, was found abandoned and suffering “severe damage” in Nottingham on Sunday afternoon.

As vets continue to assess the extent of his injuries, the animal welfare charity is now launching an investigation to find the perpetrator.

Benny the cat
Benny the rescued kitten. (Credit: RSPCA UK)

RSPCA vet Ben Berlyne told the Nottingham Post Benny was a lovely and friendly kitten in spite of the ordeal he had been through.

“It is sickening to think what he has endured,” he said.

“I am now treating him with pain-killers and am trying to assess the extent of the injuries.

“Today (Tuesday) he has had some food, which is good. But he still has a long way to go.”

This story first appeared on 7NEWS and was republished here with permission. 

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