The birth of twins William and Reagan Brentlinger was beautiful and tragic at the same time.
Parents Lyndsay and Matthew were delighted to learn they were having twins, but soon received devastating news that William’s heart had abnormalities and that he would likely not survive birth.
Miraculously, William and his sister were born a few days before Christmas. But the Brentlingers had no way of knowing how long William would be staying with them.
Knowing this, their family friend Mandy arranged a photographer to capture this precious, fleeting time of the whole family together.
The result is this beautiful, but heartbreaking collection of photos.

11 days after he was born, and only a few days after the photoshoot, tiny William passed away.
Dad Matthew describes that time as ‘the happiest 11 days of my life.’

Mum says she cried when she saw the photos and couldn’t believe how perfect they looked
‘Knowing they’ll be able to look back on [these photos] for the rest of their lives, and to one day show them to Reagan when she’s older, warms my heart more than I can put into words.’ says photographer Lindsey Brown.