
Aussie girl gets married at 12

Her mum watched in tears

A 12-year-old from Melbourne has taken part in a wedding ceremony so her dying mum could watch her get wed.


Emily Buxton, 12, dressed in a white sparkly dress and carried a bouquet in the special event for her mum, Jane Buxton, 46.

Jane has been diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma, a form of skin cancer that develops on the outside of the skin, and in January was given just months to live.

‘Emily and I are determined to make the most of the time we have left together. So we decided to stage a photoshoot of all her milestones I’ll miss, including her wedding day,’ said Jane.

Emily going to the ceremony.

As Jane fixed Emily’s veil, she wiped away tears from her eyes.

‘It breaks my heart that I won’t be there for the real thing, but now she’ll know I’m always with her,’ said Jane.

Jane and Emily.

 The pair also staged Emily passing her driving test and took a trip to Queensland where they rode theme park rides.


‘She’s the kind of mum who will do anything in the world to try and help anyone who needs it. I love her very much,’ said Emily.

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