Skeletal dog is HURLED over the gates of an animal sanctuary

How could anyone do this?

Animal rescuers were shocked when a skeletal dog was hurled over the gates of an animal sanctuary.

On Halloween evening, Casper was thrown over the locked gates of Rescue Me Animal Sanctuary in Merseyside UK.

So underweight, the lurcher’s bones were protruding through his skin and he was suffering from several growths on his body.

The neglected pooch was also experiencing painful feet due to his long, unclipped nails.

Thankfully, since his arrival at the rescue centre, Casper’s condition has already improved.

Posting an update about the dog, Twitter account Save Our Scouse Cats explained how Casper is now ‘safe, comfy and on two hourly feeds.’  

Casper the dog
(Credit: Rescue Me Animal Sanctuary/SOSmoggies)
Rescue Me Animal Sanctuary/SOSmoggies
Growths found on Casper (Credit: Growths found on Casper)

They said, ‘The vet is coming out to Casper tomorrow to avoid even more stress for him. Dear Casper, you’ve seen the worst of humanity, now you are seeing the best.’

Many social media users were shocked and touched by Casper’s story.

One person wrote, ‘So glad they brought him to you. Poor little fella.’

Another added, ‘Look at that beautiful face full of love. How could anyone do that!!!! Wish I could give him the biggest cuddle, poor boy. Thank god he is with you now getting the care he needs x’

Someone else simply said, ‘Poor little pup.’

The sanctuary’s Twitter also included a link to their donations page, where you can support Casper and their other animals.

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