
Single man adopts baby with Down Syndrome who was rejected by 20 families

Instagram @trapaluca

A single dad from Italy has spent much of the past two years documenting his and his daughter’s heartwarming story on social media.


Luca Trapanese, 41, adopted baby Alba in 2017 when she was barely two weeks old.

Being a gay, single man in Italy proved to be a massive hurdle when it came to adopting.


So, he did not hesitate when an orphanage called and told him Alba could be his daughter.

Put up for adoption by her mother, she had been rejected by 20 families, including her own, because of her condition.


Alba was born with Down syndrome, a disability Luca easily overlooked.

“Since I was 14 years old, I have volunteered and worked with the disabled,” Luca told the BBC last December.

“So I felt I had the right knowledge and experience to do it.”

Luca drew from that experience in 2007, when he established his own charity in Naples to offer disabled children the opportunity to socialise and develop their talents.

It continues to this day, with educators, operators and psychologists on hand and Luca also documents life with Alba on his Instagram page @trapaluca.


This story originally appeared on 7News and has been republished here with permission.

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