Mum’s amazing Kmart hack for her teen girls

'This is so sweet!'

A Melbourne mum has turned to Kmart to create a ‘period station’ to help her teenage girls.

Skye Huxley decided to set up the station after reading the popular Kaz Cooke book, Girls Stuff 8-12.

Along with her husband, she had a talk with the girls about getting their period for the first time.

‘They were a little nervous [about it] and when it would happen,’ Skye told Better Homes and Gardens.

She decided to set up the period station ‘so if it happens, everything they need will be [on hand] and they won’t feel embarrassed to come out and ask us for pads.’

Skye's 'period station' for her teenage girls
Skye’s ‘period station’ for her teenage girls (Credit: Skye Huxley)

‘I know this happened to me when I was with my dad when I was younger,’ she said.

Skye shopped at Kmart for everything they needed.

‘We decided on the unit and canisters to make our little period station and to keep it discreet so when people came over they didn’t have their pads and underwear on display.’

She stocked the $19 Kmart trolley unit with discreet canisters for pads, liners, tampons, nappy bags and spare underwear.

kmart products
From left: Small white embossed canister, $3.50; Large grey tapered canister, $7; small grey embossed canister, $3.50, all from Kmart. (Credit: Kmart)

All together, the unit and canisters cost $36.50.

‘I think doing it this way and having [the girls] involved has made that dreaded first period a lot less scary for them and they feel a lot more at ease about it,’ Skye said.

She also advises other mums to create a period unit for their daughters.

‘I would suggest other mums do this with their girls so they are prepared and when their daughters get their period it won’t be such a big, embarrassing or scary moment,’ she said.

Commenters on the Kmart Mums Australia Facebook group agreed.

‘Every young girl needs a Mum like you omg this is so sweet,’ remarked one commenter; while anther mum applauded Skye saying, ‘Good work educating your girls.’

This article originally appeared on Better Homes and Gardens

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